Downy feel luxurious concentrate fabric softener helps keep your clothes fresh even when you sweat elegant, floral fragrance and long lasting freshness longer lasting freshness thanks to new perfume micro capsules that burst with every move softens and protects our family’s clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz reduces wrinkles and makes ironing easier vs. Detergent alone suitable for every washing machines and every type of clothes clinically tested on skin using fabrics washed with downy choose the best scent for you and your family in the downy range: valley dew, floral breeze, dream garden, antibac, gentle, feel relaxed, feel romantic, feel energized, feel elegant or feel luxurious breathe in the rich, elegant floral scent. Feel the exquisite softness. And experience the indulgence of downy feel luxurious fabric softener. Let it give your fabrics a freshness makeover—and your senses a fresh start. New downy concentrate presents its 1st ever perfume bubbles technology. When you move or rub your clothes, the perfume bubbles burst, releasing an amazing long lasting scent.